ABN Lookup Business Search

ABN Lookup

ABN Lookup is a free public view of Australian Business Names, similar to the Australian Business Register (ABR). It allows users to access publicly available information on businesses registered for an Australian Business Number (ABN). The ABN Lookup tools offer the convenience of searching by ABN, ACN, or name, making it easy to find comprehensive and up-to-date company data.

Key Takeaways:

  • ABN Lookup provides free access to information on Australian businesses registered for an ABN.
  • Users can search by ABN, ACN, or name to find comprehensive and up-to-date company data.
  • Government agencies and other organisations rely on ABN Lookup for accurate and current business information.
  • ABN Lookup tools can be downloaded and integrated into other applications for easy access and efficient ABN validation.
  • Updating ABN details is crucial for businesses to ensure accurate information for targeted services and avoid cancellation of the ABN.

abn lookup abr business register asic

What is ABN Lookup and how does it work?

ABN Lookup serves as a search portal to public business name data also shown at places like Australian Business Register (ABR), providing access to information provided by businesses during the ABN registration process. Users can search by ABN, ACN, or name to find details on a specific business. This information is important for government agencies and others who rely on accurate and current data to deliver essential services. ABN Lookup also offers web services for integration into other applications, allowing for ABN validation and keeping information up-to-date in databases.

How does ABN Lookup work?

ABN Lookup works in a similar way to the Australian Business Register (ABR), a comprehensive database of businesses registered for an Australian Business Number (ABN). By entering an ABN, ACN, or name into the search tool, users can access detailed information on a specific business, including its legal name, trading name, business address, and registration status. This information is vital for various purposes, such as verifying the legitimacy of a business, conducting due diligence, or ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

ABN Lookup also provides web services that enable integration into other applications. This allows businesses, government agencies, and other organisations to validate ABNs in real-time and ensure the information in their databases remains accurate and up-to-date. By integrating ABN Lookup web services, users can automate the verification process, streamline operations, and improve data integrity.

Benefits of ABN Lookup

  • Access to comprehensive and up-to-date information on Australian businesses.
  • Verification of business details, including legal names, trading names, and registration status.
  • Integration into other applications for real-time ABN validation and data synchronisation.
  • Assistance in conducting due diligence and verifying the legitimacy of businesses.
  • Support for government agencies and organisations that rely on accurate company data to deliver services.

ABN Lookup is a valuable resource for individuals and organisations seeking reliable and comprehensive information on Australian businesses. Whether it’s confirming the registration status of a potential supplier, verifying the details of a business partner, or ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, ABN Lookup provides the necessary tools to make informed decisions.

Changes to Trading Names Display in ABN Lookup

Starting from November 1, 2025, there will be changes to the way trading names are displayed in ABN Lookup. In order to provide businesses with more time to transition, the transitional arrangements have been extended, and trading names will continue to be shown in ABN Lookup until October 31, 2025.

This change means that after the specified date, trading names will no longer be publicly displayed in ABN Lookup. Instead, businesses will need to inform their stakeholders about any name changes and register a business name with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

This update is aimed at improving the accuracy and integrity of the information displayed in ABN Lookup. By requiring businesses to register their trading names with ASIC, it ensures that the information available to the public is up-to-date and reliable.

Effective Date Action
November 1, 2025 Trading names will no longer be displayed in ABN Lookup
October 31, 2025 End of transitional arrangements

This change aligns with the ongoing efforts to streamline and improve the ABN Lookup system, ensuring that it remains a valuable resource for businesses and the public alike. It is important for businesses to be aware of these changes and take the necessary steps to update their information accordingly.


  • From November 1, 2025, trading names will no longer be displayed in ABN Lookup.
  • The transitional arrangements have been extended, and trading names will continue to be shown until October 31, 2025.
  • Businesses are required to inform stakeholders about any name changes and register a business name with ASIC.
  • These changes aim to improve the accuracy and reliability of the information in ABN Lookup.

Importance of Updating ABN Details

Updating your ABN details is essential for the smooth operation of your business and to ensure accurate information is available to government agencies and other stakeholders who rely on ABN Lookup. Failure to keep your details up-to-date can have serious consequences, including the potential cancellation of your ABN if it shows that your business is no longer active. It is your responsibility to notify ABN Lookup within 28 days of any changes in your operations or details.

By updating your ABN details, you are providing accurate and current information that helps government agencies deliver targeted services to the community. This ensures that your business is properly recognized and accounted for, and that you receive the necessary support and benefits that you are entitled to.

Whether you have changed your business name, address, contact details, or ceased operations, it is crucial to promptly notify ABN Lookup of these changes. Keeping your ABN details up-to-date demonstrates professionalism, transparency, and a commitment to maintaining accurate records of your business activities.

Remember, your ABN is more than just a number. It is a representation of your business identity and plays a crucial role in establishing your credibility and reputation. By ensuring your ABN details are accurate and up-to-date, you are contributing to the integrity and reliability of the Australian business community as a whole.

Importance of Updating ABN Details

  1. Ensure accurate information for government agencies and stakeholders.
  2. Avoid potential cancellation of your ABN.
  3. Receive targeted services and benefits.
  4. Professionalism and transparency.
  5. Maintain credibility and reputation.
  6. Contribute to the integrity of the business community.

Utilising ABN Lookup Tools

ABN Lookup provides a range of helpful tools that allow you to make the most of its comprehensive database. These tools are designed to streamline your search process and ensure that you can easily access the information you need. Whether you’re conducting multiple searches or validating an ABN, ABN Lookup has you covered.

ABN Lookup Tool

The ABN Lookup Tool is a powerful resource that allows you to conduct multiple searches using various criteria. You can enter an ABN or ACN to retrieve detailed information on a specific business. This tool is particularly useful if you need to access comprehensive company data for multiple entities.

Name Lookup Tool

If you don’t have the ABN or ACN for a business, the Name Lookup Tool is here to help. Simply enter the name of the business, and this tool will provide you with a list of possible matches. It allows you to search by name when the ABN is unknown, making it easier to find the information you’re looking for.

ABN Lookup Tools Features
ABN Lookup Tool Conduct multiple searches using ABN or ACN
Name Lookup Tool Search by business name when ABN is unknown

These tools can be downloaded and integrated into your applications for easy access and efficient ABN validation. With their user-friendly interface and comprehensive search capabilities, you’ll be able to find the information you need quickly and accurately.

ABN Lookup Tools

By utilizing these ABN Lookup tools, you can save time and effort in your search for company information. Whether you’re conducting multiple searches or validating an ABN, these tools provide you with the convenience and accuracy you need. Make the most of ABN Lookup’s resources and empower yourself with comprehensive and up-to-date business data.

Downloading ABN Lookup Tools

ABN Lookup provides users with the ability to download useful tools that enhance the search experience. These tools include the ABN/ACN Lookup tool and the Name Lookup tool, which offer convenient ways to access comprehensive company data. By downloading these tools, you can streamline your search process and efficiently retrieve the information you need.

The ABN/ACN Lookup tool is ideal for conducting multiple searches using specific criteria, such as postcodes or charitable tax concessions. This tool allows you to input ABN or ACN numbers and retrieve a list of matching entities, making it easier to find the information you’re looking for. Whether you’re a government agency, a business owner, or an individual seeking accurate and up-to-date data, this tool is a valuable asset.

The Name Lookup tool, on the other hand, is designed for situations where the ABN is unknown. By entering the name of a business, you can access a list of potential matches, narrowing down your search and saving you time. This tool is particularly useful when you are unsure of the specific ABN or ACN but still need to find relevant information.

ABN Lookup Tools Description
ABN/ACN Lookup tool Allows for multiple searches using specific criteria, such as postcodes or charitable tax concessions.
Name Lookup tool Enables searching by name when the ABN is unknown, providing a list of potential matches.

Downloading and saving these tools before opening them with Excel is recommended to avoid any potential errors. By utilizing these ABN Lookup tools, you can enhance your search capabilities and access accurate and comprehensive company data with ease.

Additional Information:

  • ABN Lookup offers convenient web services for integration into other applications, allowing for ABN validation and the maintenance of up-to-date information in databases.
  • It is important to note that the ABN Lookup tools are free to download and use, making them accessible to anyone in need of accurate and reliable company information.

Examples of ABN Lookup Results

ABN Lookup provides users with a wealth of information on Australian businesses, including details on business names, types, and locations. Whether you are an individual looking for specific company information or an organization conducting research, ABN Lookup offers comprehensive and accurate search results to meet your needs.

When conducting a search on ABN Lookup, you can access a range of data points related to a business. This includes the registered business name, which is the official name under which the entity operates. Additionally, you can find information on the business location, allowing you to pinpoint where the company is based.

One of the benefits of ABN Lookup is that it provides users with access to both active and canceled entities. This means that you can not only find information on currently operating businesses but also access historical data on companies that may no longer be active. This comprehensive approach ensures that you have a complete understanding of the business landscape in Australia.

Table: ABN Lookup Results

ABN Business Name Type Location
123456789 ABC Pty Ltd Proprietary Company Sydney, NSW
987654321 XYZ Pty Ltd Proprietary Company Melbourne, VIC
555666777 123 Pty Ltd Proprietary Company Brisbane, QLD

As shown in the table above, ABN Lookup provides specific details on business names, such as “ABC Pty Ltd” and “XYZ Pty Ltd,” along with their corresponding ABNs. The table also includes information on the types of companies, which in this case are proprietary companies. Additionally, the location column highlights the cities in which these businesses are located, such as Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane.

These examples represent just a few of the vast array of ABN Lookup results available. By utilizing this invaluable tool, you can gain insight into the Australian business landscape and make informed decisions based on accurate and reliable information.

abn lookup abr business register asic

Other Business Names in ABN Lookup

In addition to the primary business name, ABN Lookup also provides information on other business names associated with entities. These additional names may include trading names or alternative names used by businesses to operate in the market. This feature allows users to gain a comprehensive understanding of the various names affiliated with a particular business.

By accessing ABN Lookup, you can explore the multiple business names that are linked to an entity. This information can be valuable for research, due diligence, and understanding the broader scope of the business’s operations. Whether it’s a trading name used for a specific product line or a different brand name under which the business operates, ABN Lookup provides a consolidated view of the various names associated with an entity.


“ABC Corp” is the primary business name listed in ABN Lookup for an entity. However, the entity also operates under the trading name “XYZ Solutions.” This information enables users to identify and trace the different names associated with the entity in their business activities.”

Having access to this comprehensive data on business names can help users make informed decisions, such as identifying the various entities under which a business operates or ensuring a business is properly identified and registered when engaging in transactions. It provides a deeper understanding of the entity’s presence in the market and its branding strategies.

Entity Name Trading Name Status
ABC Corp XYZ Solutions Active
ABC Corp ABC Products Active
ABC Corp 123 Tech Cancelled

In the table above, it is evident that ABC Corp operates under multiple trading names, including XYZ Solutions and ABC Products. While XYZ Solutions and ABC Products are currently active, the trading name 123 Tech has been cancelled. This information showcases the various names associated with ABC Corp and their current status.

Importance of ABN Lookup

ABN Lookup is a vital tool for accessing comprehensive and up-to-date information on Australian businesses. With over 1.1 billion searches in the last ten months alone, it is evident that ABN Lookup serves as a key resource for individuals and organizations seeking accurate company data. Whether you’re a government agency, a potential business partner, or a curious individual, ABN Lookup provides the necessary information to make informed decisions.

“ABN Lookup is an invaluable resource for finding comprehensive and up-to-date information on Australian businesses.”

By using ABN Lookup, you can quickly search for businesses by ABN, ACN, or name, ensuring that you have access to the most current and accurate data available. This information is essential for various purposes, such as verifying a company’s legitimacy, checking trading names, or confirming business details for regulatory compliance. ABN Lookup plays a crucial role in ensuring transparency and trust in the Australian business landscape.

With the convenience of web services offered by ABN Lookup, integrating this valuable tool into your own applications becomes even easier. This allows you to validate ABNs in real-time, keeping your databases up-to-date and ensuring the accuracy of your own internal systems.

Table: Benefits of ABN Lookup

Benefit Description
Access to comprehensive information Get detailed insights into a business’s registration details, including its trading names, legal entity types, and addresses.
Verification of business legitimacy Confirm the authenticity of a business by checking its ABN against the publicly available records in ABN Lookup.
Regulatory compliance Ensure compliance with regulations by verifying business details, such as their registered addresses and legal entity types.
Integration into applications Use web services to seamlessly integrate ABN Lookup into your own applications, allowing for real-time ABN validation and data synchronization.

ABN Lookup is a valuable tool that provides a wealth of information on Australian businesses. With its user-friendly search options and web services, it is a trusted resource for individuals, organizations, and government agencies alike. By using ABN Lookup, you can access comprehensive and up-to-date data to support informed decision-making and ensure transparency in the business landscape.



ABN Lookup is an invaluable resource for accessing comprehensive and up-to-date information on Australian businesses. Whether you are searching by ABN, ACN, or name, ABN Lookup provides a wealth of data that is essential for various purposes. With over 1.1 billion searches in the last ten months alone, it is evident that ABN Lookup serves as a key resource for individuals and organisations seeking accurate company data.

By utilising ABN Lookup, you can easily find details on business names, types, locations, and other relevant information. The availability of web services allows for seamless integration into other applications, making it even more convenient for you. Keeping your ABN details up-to-date is crucial, as this information is relied upon by government agencies to provide targeted services to the community.

With its commitment to continuously improve and provide a reliable source of comprehensive company data, ABN Lookup is the go-to platform for accessing accurate and reliable information. Whether you need information for research, partnerships, or any other purpose, ABN Lookup ensures that you have access to the most up-to-date information on Australian businesses.


What is ABN Lookup and how does it work?

ABN Lookup is a free public view of Australian business names, similar to the Australian Business Register (ABR). It allows users to access publicly available information on businesses registered for an Australian Business Number (ABN). Users can search by ABN, ACN, or name to find comprehensive and up-to-date company data.

What are the changes to trading names display in ABN Lookup?

From 1 November 2025, trading names will no longer be displayed in ABN Lookup. However, the transitional arrangements have been extended, and trading names will be shown until 31 October 2025. This gives businesses more time to inform stakeholders about any name changes and register a business name with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

Why is it important to update ABN details?

It is crucial for businesses to keep their ABN details up-to-date. Many government agencies rely on this information to provide targeted services to the community. Businesses should notify ABN Lookup within 28 days if their operations cease or if there are any changes in their details. Failure to update information may result in the cancellation of the ABN if it shows that the business is no longer active.

What kind of information can I find in ABN Lookup search results?

ABN Lookup provides various search results that include information on business names, types, and locations. Users can find active and canceled entities, trading names, and other relevant details. These search results help users access comprehensive and accurate information about Australian businesses.

Are there other business names listed in ABN Lookup?

Yes, ABN Lookup includes listings for other business names associated with entities. These names may include trading names or alternative names used by businesses. Users can find details on active, canceled, and historic entities, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the various names affiliated with a particular business.

Why is ABN Lookup important?

ABN Lookup is a vital tool for accessing comprehensive and up-to-date information on Australian businesses. With over 1.1 billion searches in the last ten months alone, it is evident that ABN Lookup serves as a key resource for individuals and organisations seeking accurate company data. The web services offered by ABN Lookup allow for easy integration into other applications, making it even more convenient for users.

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